1:; You all know this sometimes feelings are just don't stays as feelings, sometimes it rolls down through your face, sometimes it takes all night to sleep, sometimes days seems dark, sometimes stars comes close, moon looks bigger, sky fills with clouds and we cant even feel blueness of it for a moment. Feelings are not easy to keep for like forever inside, some people says if you share your feelings with other person the pain will reduced automatically but what if there is no one who can understand you and what if there's no one wants to listen you, thats not written anywhere that anyone can be able to share the secret and all the bad-good inside's stuffs. Do I have to feel kinda notion all my life until my last breath I am afraid I don't know yet because our education world doesn't teach us how to defense our selves from our bad feelings. May be once a day we can have good feelings or more than once but do you ever have tried to count how many times we thought a bad things in a day??? I am sure until unless you read this line no one of you have ever tried it before. Well, everything doesn't comes with price tag as you all can imagine, happiness and sadness are includes in same category what/how and when you have to pay for it no one knows before it happened.