Sunday, 6 November 2016

Good or Bad

6:::;;;Yeah!! You can regret on what you have done;though you regret it, it wont change so simply that you can accept it and step forward into the future. But yes the mistakes, what we have done in earlier days or as I am saying good things that we did for wrong people comes as a visual in our head and that time we feel something very-very bad for our own selves. We think if that would not had happened;our life could be much better than now. You know that people choose wisely, they looks first for their-selves, they are not like us who cares/loves/motivates/believes others more than own selves. What you think??  They were wrong to not to chose us! they were bad for not to listen us! I don't think so, but I think they were very good in this mean world and I believe that they can stick with morality more than us. We cant be like them and we wont ever I know. They were bad but they were good in bad, so guys whatever has had happened;leave it where it happened, let it be; we cant change it;lets live a life and don't ever try to live in past cause nobody can live in the past not even one second. And last thing if you are breathing up all the time;thats not waste of time its worth for living.

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